Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Roseland

Nestled in between a homeless hangout and a strip club, the Roseland is a nice little music venue only about 2 blocks from pioneer square. At first look from the inside, it looks like a pretty crappy place thats falling apart. And although it kinda is falling apart, it is also an awesome place. The whole place, including the stage, can probably fit inside stamm comfortably. Although this forces there to be way less available ticket slots, it also means your so close to your favorite bands that you can practically fondle them. Speaking of fondleing, here are a few of the problems with the roseland. 1) the fondleing. You get fondled. Although some people don't mind, i find it odd when a drunk chick you dont know runs up, grabs your ass, and bites your nipple. True story. 2) the younglings. There are alot of middle schoolers and high schoolers. Depending on the show, thats not so bad, but its kinda wierd looking at these kids in sluttly clothes and having them eye you with foul intentions (repember folks, they may seem fun, but its a felony! :D ). and finally, the worst thing about the roseland, 3) the bouncers. some of them are nice, alot of them are dicks. Go to any kind of show where there is moshing and croud surfing, and they get a bit ruough. I've seen them kick the shit out of people for no reason, other than they got thrown forward and they were super happy about that. But those problems aside, the tickets are cheap (15-30), and since its so small, most bands dont have a problem coming into the crowd and signing stuff (after everyones calmed down a bit, of course). Its probably my favorite venue in portland, and I suggest you check it out. (, search Roseland).


1 comment:

Drop Trowel Hour said...

My experience at the Roseland was neither great nor bad, but definitely pretty gross. My first impression was this uber homoerotic act whose leopardprint skirt-clad singer was singing "Gee Whiz! Street Jizz!" (I don't even care who they were). One of the bouncers was pretty nice to me. He gave me some timeless advice, and that was to tell other bouncers I needed to go out to get feminine hygiene products so that I could come back in.
And I think I will come back to the Roseland-you're right. Not a bad venue.