Monday, October 6, 2008

The Glass Passenger


Jack's Mannequin's second album is finally out following a three year long gap in between Everything In Transit(2005) and The Glass Passenger. The album works for me on all the levels i find important: entertaining, inspirational and innovative. Starting the album with the line, "I wanna hear some music" and from then on the next 19 tracks flow effortlessly together demonstrating, once again, Andrew McMahon's brilliance as a songwriter. The Glass Passenger is still very piano driven but many of the tracks provide much more an instrumental variety than Everything In Transit. The Resolution immediately sticks out as the band's single and most reminiscent of previous hits like Dark Blue and Bruised but after a few passes through the whole album many of the other songs start to stick out more. Spinning, Crashin' and Swim all were simultaneously stuck in my head making it impossible to work on anything...sorry galaty. Alot of his new songs also touch on his battle with Leukemia and his fear of not being able to make music after his recovery. Even though Jack's Mannequin may now be considered more mainstream and this may turn off many of the o-so-cool indie listeners ive talked to around campus, i say forget about how many people listen to this band. fucking listen to britney spears if it makes you happy. forget about what other people say and their opinions and listen to this album because its rad as fuck, o and go see him in concert at a small venue if you can. that shit'll blow your clothes off.


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