Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Politico Piss Artist Presents: No. 1: Fear No Evil

In the run up to this election, it is essential to remind ourselves of how politics bring s out  the worst in people.  So many campaigns are ran on idealistic crap peddling another vision for America to be discarded as soon as seats have been secured.  Unfortunately people are stupid; oh so very stupid, and as a result we vote the same fucking wankers into office because they pander to peoples base fears.

One has to look no further than the bigoted racist shitheads who show up like rats crawling from sewers every time the Republican Veep candidate, Sarah "I can see russia from my house" Palin speaks to see what fear mongering can accomplish.  Such people thrive on ideology, misinformation and general hate for humanity.  One has to look only 60 or so years back to see what happens when people blindly follow ideology, even unto the edges of hells hot.  

"So what can we do to save ourselves? "I can hear you say subconsciously.  There is one way we can succeed in ensuring the long term survival of the human race: Do Not Fear.  It is this fear mongering that has done more to destroy america like so many other countries pitting neighbor against neighbor, countryman against countryman.  Do your part to ensure your survival:  love someone today.

(Sugested Listening:  Fear No Darkness Promised Child by Timo Raisanen)

{Brought to you from an underground bunker by the Politico Piss Artist}

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