Thursday, April 23, 2009

so You thiNk YOu CaN DJ?

The other afternoon I scrambled to the KLC studio after class, punched in the door code wicked fast, and fell face first on the studio's dilapidated forest green couch. It had been a super long day. I was bone tired, and desperately need to stop, drop, and no I wasn't on fire...just needed to sleep. Thereafter, I decided to browse the CAVE (our gigantic Music Library) while I waited for my time slot to come up for my show (Dear Audio Abby every Thurs 12-2pm). This was a bad idea. With what started out as pulling two maybe three cds for listening rapidly grew into a small mountain of albums piled high in the corner for burning (for FREE!). Once I gathered the music I was going to play for that day's show, I sat reading all the profound hieroglyphics scrawled across the cave walls. One such statement reads, "this is a fucking profound statement ." I went on to play some tunes, answer some questions from an impromptu interview with a passing by Templeton friend, rant about bureaucratic 21+ venues, and answer some advice letters MUSICALLY. After my show was over and it was time to go back into the "world outside KLC," I realized that I was rested, rejuvenated, revitalized, and most importantly, sane again. KLC, my Prozac! What a wonderful place to be a part of.

for more reading about being a radio dj click here

-monique halgat

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