Thursday, April 9, 2009

We're Fucking Presidents!

I recently got to sit down with one of Portland's fresh new groups...

Q: Can we start with the basics- line up, genre, name?
A: Sure thing! We are We’re Fucking Presidents and our current line up includes JFK (lead guitar), Lincoln (string base), Teddy Roosevelt (drums), one of the Harrison Brothers? , Andrew Jackson (vox and harmonica), James Garfield (theremin), McKinley (fake British accent), and occasionally Regan on the bongos. All members either have been assassinated or had an attempt on their life. As for genre, we’d say post industrial, ska punk, adult contemporary…

Q: Would you agree your group’s claim to fame is your band name? If so, please tell us more about it.
A: Well, it’s got a double meaning…naturally it came to us one day when we realized we were both Presidents and were having sex with presidents.

an action shot! Most of the band members also work at Best Buy to supplement their income.

Q: What are your inspirations- musical or non?
A: (Andrew Jackson) Personally, I’m heavily influenced by baroque and try to incorporate the jaw-harp into much of my music but as a band we’re all just one big family…were not afraid of electric either! (JFK) Personally-shmersonally, for sure cubism, Hitler as an artist, and industrial light music. Oh and we started as groupies for Spray paint for puppies so…

Q: As “up-and-coming” to the PDX music scene, what can we expect to see from you next?
A: We’re working on a MySpace page. And we’re currently recording a concept album. We originally were developing the idea of an old man making a theme park out of cloned dinosaurs…but turns out that’s already been done. Now were set to go with this idea of an alien comes down to earth, befriends a young boy and enjoys eating chocolate covered peanut treats. Oh oh and we’ve rented a van in preparation for Spray Paint for Puppies summer tour, we’re opening!

Q: Last question, why should we make it to your next show?
A: Two words, laser pointers. Don’t forget the mosh pit campfires too!

Special thanks go out to the Lewis & Clark College Forest Staff and insomnia, without the two this exclusive interview could not have been possible.

disclaimer: to hear a real band or two attend SUBURN music fest SAT APRIL 11th on the Lewis&Clark College campus!


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